Member of the NOEL study team-New onset Epilepsy in Lebanon-conducted at the AUB-MC since 2011-till present.

Member of the Lebanese league against epilepsy-since 2011

Member of the Lebanese society of neurology-since 2007

Member of the Lebanese society of pediatrics since 2007

Member of the Lebanese society against Polio-ministry of health

Member of the Europeen Pediatric Neurology Society since 2014

Memeber of the International Child Neurology Association since 2014

Hospital Experience


BS Biology

(Placed on the Dean’s Honor List for four semesters.)


Pediatric resident

Pediatric Neurology resident, Medical Center


November,2008-Training on Vagal Nerve Stimulator therapy,                                              Oslo- Norway   The National Centre for Epilepsy, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Rikshospitalet University Hospital               

October 1999 Pediatric Neurooncology                                                                            MeMPHis-TeNnesseE   Saint Jude Children’s Hospital- Cancer Research Center                       

May-June 1998 Neuropathology                                                                                          MASSACHUSETTS-USA   Massachusetts General Hospital Pathology Department             

October-November 1996.Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy                                       MASSACHUSETTS USA      Boston Children’s Hospital,           

Dermatology                                                                                                                                 BEIRUT-LEBANON     Adult Cardiology (Coronary Cardiac Care Unit)                                                                                                                              Pediatric Neurology                                                                                                                                                                        Neurosurgery (with Dr Y, Comair)


Participated in teaching the neurometabolic modules for the 2nd year medical student –LAU-Medical school

for 4 consecutive years from 2012-present

In addition to continuously delivered informal teaching for pediatric interns and residents on the in-hospital ward floors and OPD



Member of the NOEL study team-New onset Epilepsy in Lebanon-conducted at the AUB-MC since 2011-till present.


1*-Hasbini D.A., Mikati M.A. Successful lamotrigine monotherapy in absence seizures after failure of valproic acid as well as lamotrigine-valproic acid combination. Search on epilepsy, 1999; No.2: 9-11

2-Hasbini D.A., Mikati M.A., and Salem G. Abdominal Epilepsy: A Distinct Clinical Entity. Presented at the twenty fifth Congress of the Union of the Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies, April 15-17, 1999, Beirut, Lebanon.

3-Hasbini D.A., Mikati M.A., Fayad M., Dabbous I., and Frizli S. Pediatric Brain Tumors-Experience of the American University Hospital of Beirut over a five years period. Presented at the twenty sixth Congress of the Union of the Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies, October 4-6, 2000, Portoroz, Slovenia.

4*-Hasbini DA, Mikati MA, Habbal ZM. Isolated adipic aciduria. Pediatric Neurology 2001 Jan; 24(1):77-8

5*-Muakkit S, Al-Ajam M, Arayssi T, Hasbini D, Masri A, Mikati M:   “Isolated digital gangrene complicating Hepatitis A infection in a child” J Clin Rheumatol 2002; 223-227


1-Hasbini D., Sayegh J., Shatila A., Rajab M: EEG changes in Angelman Syndrome; case report and literature review. Presented at the First International Lebanese Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Neurology and The Lebanese League against Epilepsy, November 17-20,2004, Beirut, Lebanon.

2-Hasbini D., Angelman syndrome: a neurologic view. Presented at the 5th Pan Arab Child Neurology Association congress, March 31-April 2, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon.

3-Hasbini D.,Metabolic diseases presenting as Cerebral Palsy. Presented at the 5th Pan Arab Child Neurology Association congress, March 31-April 2, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon.

4-Husseini A. MD, Hasbini D. MD, Alameh J. MD, Rajab M. MD, Review of neonatal convulsion at Makassed General Hospital over five years. Presented at the Annual Resident Day at Makassed General Hospital, June 2005,Beirut, Lebanon.

5-Hasbini D. MD, Migraine, Spectrum of symptoms and diagnosis. Presented in the Lebanese Neurology Society, Continuum session, August 4, 2007, Beirut, Lebanon 

6-Hasbini D. M, Pediatric Sleep Medicine, Presented in the Lebanese Neurology Society, Continuum session, October 20, 2007. Beirut, Lebanon

7- Hasbini D. M.D., Nasreddine W. M.D., Mikati M. M.D., Levetiracetam as add on for a patient with intractable primary generalized epilepsy with predominantly atypical absence type seizures. Case report. Accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment in Child Neurology Conference held in May 2008, Poland.

8-Mitochondrial DNA and Disease, taken from Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology
April 2008; Volume 14(2) NEUROGENETICS; pp 133-148. Presented in the Lebanese Neurology Society, Continuum session, February 8, 2009, Beirut, Lebanon.

9-First unprovoked seizure-presented at Lebanese Pediatric, neurology session, 24th may 2010, Beirut, Lebanon

10-Hasbini D. M.D. Interpretation of Genetic Testing-Workshop on Neurogenetics, and the Annual Congress of the Cyprus neurological society- May 13-15, 2011, Limassol-Cyprus

11-Hasbini D, M.D, Role of VNS therapy in intractable epilepsy. May 2011, Monroe Hotel Beirut Lebanon

12-Role of Lamotrigine in absence seizures-An update; presented in the Pediatric Neurology club meeting, Phoenicia hotel intercontinental, January 15, 2012, Beirut Lebanon.

13- Learning disabilities, Presented at the LEAPS association meeting (Learning Emotionally Acadamically Physically &Socially) at the Lebanese Order of Physician May, 5, 2012

14-Diabetic Neuropathy-taken from the Continuum on peripheral neuropathy-presented in the joined meeting for the Lebanese Society of neurology and the Jordanian society of neurology 26th May 2012, Amman, Jordan

15- A girl with Dravet syndrome and immunoglobulin G subclasses deficiency-case report- Accepted for presentation at the 10th European Congress on Epileptology September 30-October 4, 2012, London, UK

16-Panaetopoulos syndrome -presented at the meeting of the Lebanese league against epilepsy 23th November 2012, Beirut-Lebanon

17-Paroxysmal disorders other than epilepsy-Presented at meeting of Lebanese Pediatric Society, neurology session, May 3 2014, Beirut, Lebanon

18-Pediatric ischemic stroke-from the Continuum: Strokes-Lebanese society of Neurology-17-18 May 2014-Chtoura, Lebanon

19-Attention Deficit hyperactive disorder-Presented at the Lycee Abel Kader 31 May 2014-Beiurt Lebanon

In addition to many community-based educational media interviews (radio, TV stations)


1-The First International Lebanese Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Neurology and The Lebanese League against Epilepsy, November 17-20, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon 

2-The 5th Pan Arab Child Neurology Association congress, March 31- April 2, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon: chairing session (3)-neuropsychiatry and session (10)-developmental neurology. 30 CME.

3-First East Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress, February 21-24, 2007, Luxor-Egypt.

4-Workshop on Botulinum Toxin in Movement Disorders, held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology, March 24-25, 2007, Brumana, Lebanon (10 CME).

5-Workshop on Mayesthenia Gravis, 2007, held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology, December8,9, Metropolitain Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon (10 CME).

6-Attended monthly conferences of The Continuum sessions held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology for the year 2007-2008.

7-13th Mediterranean Meeting of Child Neurology-1st African Congress of Child Neurology, March 27-29, 2008,Tunis

8-workshop training on Vagal Nerve Stimulator therapy, The National Centre for Epilepsy, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Norway, November,2008

9-19Congres de la Societe Francaise de Neurologie Pediatrique, 21-24 January 2009, Rouen, France.

10-Workshop on Neurogenetics, 2009, held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology, February 7,8 Metropolitain Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon (9CME).

11-Attended monthly conferences of The Continuum sessions held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology for the year 2009 including workshop on neurogenetics (9CME), stroke (6CME), continuum on toxicology and endocrinology(3.5CME), work shop on multiple sclerosis (6CME), work shop on pediatric epilepsy(5.5 CME), work shop on EMG, critical care neurology(4 CME),peripheral neuropathy.

12-Attended monthly conferences of The Continuum sessions held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology for the

year 2010 including continuum on childhood neurologic disorders in adulthood (3.5 CME), movement disorder

(4.5CME), work shop on Botulinum toxin in neurology, comtinuum on Epilepsy and workshop on EEG &

Pediatric program (6CME), congress NeuroMediterranean(17 CME), workshop on stroke, continuum on

Multiple sclerosis, continuum on Neuro-ophtalmology (8CME)

13-Workshop on Neurogenetics, and the Annual Congress of the Cyprus neurological society- May 13-15, 2011, Limassol-Cyprus

14-Attended monthly conferences of The Continuum sessions held by the Lebanese Society of Neurology for the year 2011-13

15-Attended monthly conferences held by the Lebanese League against Epilepsy for the year 2011-13

16-VNS meeting-28th April, 2013-Dubaii 

17-24eme Congres de la Societe Francaise de Neurologie Pediatrique, 29- January-1 February 2014, Reims, France.


Mikati, M.D.


Chairman of Pediatric Department

Head Epilepsy and Pediatric Neurology Department

ex Chairman, American University of Beirut

Duke University


Comair, M.D.


Head Neurosurgery Department

Dean Medical School

Lebanese American University-UMCRH
